For current EasyBill32 Contract Users
Do you need Technical Support?
Support for current EasyBill32 Customers
Provided by Carraway Computer Systems LLC
The most effective means of software support is facilitated by using online remote control to allow CCS technicians to see and control the customer's computer that is having a problem with the operation of EasyBill32. Many times the issue ends up being a user error caused by a lack of user experience or distractions during data entry. However, given the ever-changing software operating system environment presented by Microsoft Windows, and occasional changes made to the structure of EasyBill32 in answer to customer requests, it is possible for customer issues to be the result of small but often aggravating compatibility conflicts introduced to the software operating environment by either Microsoft or CCS. When support is needed to solve an issue a customer is having with their EasyBill32 software, CCS provides a means of establishing an internet connection between one of the CCS software support servers and the customer's computer. This connection gives the CCS support technician the ability to view the customer's computer desktop, control the customer's EasyBill32 software installation, transfer updated modules and database files both to and from the customer's computer, and check for any problems with the customer's computer's operating system, including printer, firewall and virus protection software issues.
If you are an EasyBill32 customer needing to establish an internet connection with a CCS support server, PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY:
1. Click the link below,
2. Then click on the "Download Remote Support" button.
3. You may also have to confirm that you want to allow this software to make changes to your computer.
4. You will finally see a message telling you that you are "connected and waiting in a queue".